Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Special Salads for Summer....

I've been trying to change our regular dishes, you know the ones that seems to appear all the time on your menu rotation (I don't have a problem with this since we love them but don't want to fall into a rut) so I've been looking around, getting inspiration from all around and I think I found some amazing examples of what I had in mind.
Summer is definitely here and I am assuming that we all get fantastic fruit and veg at this time, so with this in mind I used it as a primary ingredient, salads that can be a quick lunch, salad course or a main dish to give us flexibility and flavor plus!
I'm sure you'll find these recipes appealing, easy to make and maybe make them a part of your family's rotation....

PANZANELLA SALAD.- This Tuscan specialty is an all around favorite yet for some reason I forget about it but it's worth bringing back....


3 large Vine Tomatoes, very ripe, cut in cubes. Cut stems off

Handful Basil Leaves, hand shredded

½ Handful Oregano leaves, fresh

3 Garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 Artisan Bread, stale or hard, cut in cubes

1-2 Cucumbers, peeled and cut into cubes

1-2 Carrots, cut in small cubes

1 Red Onion, sliced in fine slices

2-3 Celery stalks, cut in small cubes

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Red Wine Vinegar

Salt and Pepper to taste

  1. In a large bowl put tomatoes, Basil, Oregano and Garlic, 2 Tbl olive oil and Red Wine Vinegar. mix well. Taste it to adjust dressing and add salt and pepper so you like it. Allow to rest for at least 15 minutes.

  2. Place the bread cubes on a sheet pan, drizzle the tomato juices over them, toss and put in an 350 F Oven for about 10 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool.

  3. Put cucumbers, carrots, red onion and celery in a bowl, add olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste and once you like it, add the tomatoes and mix everything well.

  4. Top with more Basil Leaves. Serve.


NOTE: You can add as few or many veggies that you like, whatever is in season, bitesize.


TOMATO GRATIN SALAD.-  Is it a casserole, side dish, or main dish? You decide!


¼ taza Aceite de Olivo Extra Virgen

6 oz Baguette de buena calidad, cortado en cubos medianos o 4 tazas de pan

3 lbs Tomate Bola maduro, cortado en cubos de 1 pulgada

2 Tbls Aceite de Olivo Extra Virgen

3-4 dientes de Ajo, cortado en rebanadas finas

2 tsp Azucar

1 tsp Sal

1 tsp Pimienta

¾ taza Queso Parmesano rallado

2 Tbls Albahaca cortada en listones finos (chiffonade)

NOTA: La manera mas facil es usar un sarten que se pueda usar en el horno, para no ensuciar mas trastes que se tengan que limpiar, pero si no se tiene sarten con mango metalico se puede usar una caserola para horno, cuando se hayan integrado el pan a los tomates y antes de poner el resto del pan y queso y terminar el platillo en el segundo recipiente.

  1. Se pone el aceite en un sarten sobre fuego medio-bajo para dorar los cubos de pan hasta que estan doraditos, como 4-5 minutos. NOTA: Es importante que el baguette sea de buena calidad porque sino el pan absorbera demasiado aceite y se desmorona. El pan debe quedar crocante.

  2. Se pone el pan dorado en un recipiente mientras que el sarten a fuego bajo se le añaden las 2 cucharadas de aceite (se usa el mismo sarten, no hay necesidad de lavarlo) hasta que caliente y se ponen las laminitas de Ajo, solo por 30 a 60 segundos cuando apenas empiezan a tomar color.

  3. Ahora es tiempo para los tomates, junto con 2 cucharaditas de azucar, la sal y las pimienta. El fuego ahora se sube a mediano durante 8-10 minutos o hasta que los tomates hayan soltado bastante jugo y casi queden cubiertos por el jugo. Se apaga el fuego.

  4. Es tiempo de añadir el pan (se aparta una taza de pan) para que absorba los jugos del tomate, presionando un poco para que se integre y al final se pone la ultima taza de pan sobre los tomates para que dore y se pone el queso rallado sobre todo.

  5. En un horno a 350 F por 30-40 minutos. A los 30 minutos se revisa la caserola y usando una espatula de silicona, se separa ligeramente los tomates de la orilla para liberar los jugos restantes y no se pegue. No se revuelve. Se regresa al horno por otros 10-15 minutos.

  6. Es importante dejar reposar el platillo como 10-15 minutos y mientras se prepara el albahaca que se pondra sobre todo antes de servir.



EGYPTIAN BARLEY SALAD WITH POMEGRANATE, FETA AND FRESH HERBS.-  This salad is a true showstopper! Very flexible and easily goes from side dish or main dish plus it's so beautiful it's perfect for company!.....


4 Qts Water

1 tsp Salt

1 ½ Cups Pearl Barley

3 Tbl Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tbl Pomegranate Molasses

½ tsp Cinnamon, ground

¼ tsp Cumin, ground

¼ cup Pistachios, chopped and toasted

1/3 cup Golden Raisins

1 Pomegranate, take out the seeds and have them ready. Separate 1/4-1/2 cup

½ cup Cilantro, chopped

3 oz Feta cheese in small cubes

6 Scallions, only the green parts, sliced fine

1-2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil, as topping

  1. Water is put on the stove to boil along with the salt. Add the Barley to cook, it can take from 30 to 50 minutes, until its tender. Drain and place on a sheet tray, spread out, to cool while you get the rest of the ingredients.

  2. In a large bowl, add the Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses, Cinnamon and Cumin and whisk it all together.

  3. Add the now cooled Barley and mix in well.

  4. Add the pistachios and cumin and mix well.

  5. Add pomegranate, cilantro and mix.

  6. You can add the Feta. Scallions and mix in or save it for service time, your choice.

  7. Top with a couple of tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil to finish.


How about these jewels? I'm really looking forward to going to the Municipal Market so I can stock up on the ingredients needed for these dishes, I know we'll enjoy them!!

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